Exile Registration / Order Form Mail this completed form with payment to: Fantasoft, LLC P.O. Box 14261 Madison , WI 53714-0261 USA OR Phone/Fax info below to us at: (608) 249-5418 OR e-mail information required below to us at: Fantasoft1@aol.com. Non-U.S. orders welcome! Read the section Foreign Order Information. Foreign orders please add $3 shipping and handling. Registration Code for Exile/Exile II To find out the registration code, select 'Shareware Info' from the title screen of Exile. Registration Code for Exile/Exile II Character Editor To find out the registration code, select "Registration Info" from the menu. Without this, we cannot process your order. Last Name First Name Address Apt# City State Zip Country E-Mail Address: I would like to register: Exile: Escape From The Pit ($25) (Make sure you filled in your code above).......NO YES The Exile Character Editor ($10) (Make sure you filled in your code above)........NO YES Exile II:Crystal Souls ($25) (Make sure you filled in your code above)..................NO YES The Exile II Character Editor ($9) (Make sure you filled in your code above)........NO YES I would like to order by mail: The hint booklet to Exile II.($7)........................................................................NO YES The hint booklet to Exile.($6.50).....................................................................NO YES *Non-U.S. orders add $3 for postage. *Total Due = $